Friday, May 1, 2015

Week 85

Dear Family and Friends and other people,

Well hey! This was my first week in Gates/Chili. Also known as 4th City. I don't really know what to call my area. It's not Gates or Chili, it's Gates-Chili, because we cover both and live on the border, and its by the city, and it's in 4th ward. So pick one. We also live right next to the airport.

First things first, there's a bar 300 feet from our apartment, and I guess things got pretty rowdy Friday night and a guy got shot dead and 6 other people were injured. The day after there were TONS of cops all around and news teams were in the parking lot all day.  There's a vigil right in front of the bar with candles that people made for the guy that died. Crazy stuff.

This week was the bomb because we got 6 new investigators and 4 more are coming this week, which is the most I've ever had in a week, so I'm pretty happy about that. They were all mostly from investigator referrals and part members families so that's pretty sweet too. 

We're teaching this one guy named Ed, and I met him for the first time on Tuesday night. He's a guy probably in his 60's, and he likes to yell really really loudly for no reason, but he's great. He wants to be baptized at the end of May. He just has to quit smoking, and a few other things first.

The area is cool. Half of our area is the city, sort of way ghetto, and then the other side is decently normal for Western New York. It's kind of cool because it's like two types of areas combined. Instead of when I was in downtown Buffalo and it was just city or when I was in Lewiston and it was just suburban. They say, variety is the spice of life, and we get that here.

We had a Regional Stake Conference yesterday. Well it was just a regional broadcast from Salt Lake, and Sister Reeves, Elder Anderson and Elder Hales, and then some one from the seventy all spoke. It was sweet! it was like general conference, but a secret session only for the cool people in the North-Eastern United States. 

Also, our mission is starting "just serve" in a month. So that will be cool.

Love Elder Holt

Me & The Stone's on my last night in Pittsford. Brother Stone was the best mission leader
of all time and they were the bomb in general.

Me & the office secretary, Sister Ballard. She goes home next month. She is the Best!

It Snowed.