Monday, July 6, 2015

Week 90

June 15, 2015

Hey Everyone!

Everything's been going pretty well here in Rochester. We're
teaching a man named Thomas, and he will be baptized soon. He's
the nicest guy, and he would have been baptized this Saturday, but 

he's been feeling a little sick and didn't come to church so we've had
to push the baptism back a week or so.

We also have gotten a couple really sweet new investigators. This one
guy moved into our area, who was just released from prison. He studied
the LDS faith with his prison room mate who was LDS and wants to be
baptized. It's pretty sweet.

Let's see what else. I'll send a picture of me with a garbage plate.
Garbage plates are the bomb. You all need to have one. It looks like
junk but its so good. 

Garbage Plates...the best thing Rochester has to offer

My own road

In The Hill Cumorah Visitor Center before Stake Priesthood Meeting
Also, its been raining like crazy. There have been thunder storms everyday
this week. It's been awesome.

Ok, I love you everyone!

Love, Elder Holt