Monday, March 2, 2015

Week 75


Tuesday we had our big mission-wide ipad meeting with a Seventy 

(Elder David. F Evans) and an Area Seventy (Elder Stephen B.
Allen) and it was pretty sweet! The church is rebooting the whole
entire internet proselyting program. We get brand new ipads and
they actually have manuals for how to use them to proselyte, and then
another manual for protecting ourselves against anything harmful

I was expecting the meeting to be about the changes to
proselyting online and how we do it, but that's not what it was at all.
At the meeting they pretty much made it sound like the whole
reason they gave us ipads in the first place was so we could learn to
resist temptation. There's an analogy they used about how when
different diseases were introduced to Native Americans back when
Settlers came over, they had no resistance to them and they would get
super sick or die. Other people with the same diseases would just
get sort of sick or not get sick at all because they had been
surrounded by it and their immune system had adjusted. They related
that to missionaries and said that they found that missionaries would
go on their missions and be isolated from technology for two years,
and then come back and not be ready for the different temptations and
changes in technology that had happened while they were gone and they
would fall. 

They talked about how this is the time on our missions to learn how technology 
can be used to spread the gospel and be used productively, and also how to 
continue to use it righteously when we get home and for the rest of our lives. 
That's pretty much the brethren's vision in a nutshell.

When we get the new ipads next week we will not be on Facebook for 1-2 months 

because internet proselyting has been going on for 5 years in this mission and 
for a long time in other missions too. They are re-teaching us how to do it so that 
we can do it right.

Wednesday and Thursday were normal days where we tried to see some less 
actives and find some new investigators, and then on Friday and Saturday we 
helped two different people in the ward move. Sunday was a normal Sabbath
day where we had lots of meetings and didn't have much time to proselyte.

The weather is still cold, but it actually has been in the 20's for the past couple 
days so I've been happy with that. (Better than -20).

Love Elder Holt

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