Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 84

Hey Everyone!

Sorry it's been so long. Today we got transfer calls and I am being
transferred from Pittsford to Gates /Chili. It's in Rochester but not
totally downtown, but pretty close to it. That should be good.

There hasn't been too much to report on our area, which is
probably why I don't get super motivated to write a weekly
email. We have been trying to find people to teach, so we go walking 

around the city of Pittsford talking to people or tracting, but we 
haven't had much luck.

There is a lady that has been coming to church with her member
husband for a year and a half now. She's been taught all the
lessons. She was waiting to get baptized until her husband was able to 

get the priesthood. Recently he received the priesthood and she came 
up to us and said she's ready to be baptized, so we will go over all the 
lessons with her again and she'll be baptized on May 9th. 

So that's pretty cool! Sort of random, because it's not like she's an 
investigator we meet with and teach because she's been
active for over a year and even had a calling. We are excited to
prepare her for her baptism. Well I'm leaving now so I can't
stick around for that, but its still cool!

In other news, its been getting really hot lately, and the other day
we were walking around and I went to feel my lower back, and I haven't
felt that much sweat on my back since I was riding bikes with a
backpack on in the middle of summer in downtown Buffalo last year. 

There was no winter to spring transition. It was just winter winter winter 

The Eerie canal has been cool lately though, because a lot of people
will go chill by the canal and walk along the path they have, so its
fun to go try and talk to people there.

I hope everyone is doing well! This next week should be
interesting in the new area, so hopefully I have cool stuff to say
next week. bye!

Love Elder Holt

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