Monday, December 9, 2013

Week 15

So this week was pretty slow. We had all of our appointments either cancel or just not answer the door, except for our one lesson with Chuck. That went well, at least we think. We taught him the Plan of Salvation, and he absorbed it all, but he needs a few days to organize it in his brain. He had never even considered that there was something before this life so he was thinking about that a lot. He didn’t disagree with any of it, he just needs time to think about it and re-read the pamphlet we gave him. Yah, so that was good.
Oh and the sweetest thing we did this week was on Wednesday night. A couple months back we met a guy at the park when we had our basketball night, and he invited us to play on Wednesday nights at his Methodist church, so we went and it was awesome. There were a lot of people there and they were all cool, and wondering why we had nametags on and stuff. We had a good game so now they like us, so we’re probably gonna keep going back and try to talk to more guys. It was nice because me and Elder Lewis were both craving to play, because its been snowing and we haven’t been able to do anything outside lately.
We were also hoping that Chuck and Marie would be able to make it to the Christmas devotional last night but both of them canceled. Its all good though. This week should be good. We plan on doing some tracting in the snow so that people feel sympathy for us. Last time we went tracting it was me, Elder Lewis, and Elder Klumker, and we were switching off every door, and Elder Lewis and Klumker kept on getting the nicest old ladies that would come out and talk, and every time I knocked on the door I got some weird old bearded guy that would just tell me to go away. Seriously, every door I knocked on. It was annoying but also pretty funny. Anyway, I can’t think of anything else worth mentioning. Oh! I was able to weigh myself at a members house this week, which I haven’t been able to do in like 2 months, and I have gained 3 whole pounds since I came out on my mission. I'm pretty sure its all gone to my thighs. Anyway, have a great week everybody!
Love Elder Holt   

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