Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Week 38

Hey Everybody!

It's been a couple weeks, but the biggest news is that we had transfer calls last night, and I'm going to Buffalo Spanish! I don't speak Spanish, but apparently it's just a normal area with the title
"Spanish" because every once in a while there might be a random person that speaks Spanish. I'm really excited about it, because I've been away from the city for the most part and now I'll be right in the middle of it. I'm sad to leave Geneseo though. It's a really nice area and the people in the ward are really nice.

This past week had some good stuff. Lets see, so Tuesday through Thursday was pretty normal. Thursday we had interviews with President Francis. Those are always fun. I learn a
lot and it's nice to talk one on one with the 'Prez.' Thursday night it started raining like crazy, and the next day a lot of people's basements were flooded. Our investigator Dan had all his inventory for his antique/trinket type shop in his basement, and he also went in for surgery on Thursday, so he called us and asked if we could go try and get the water out of his basement as soon as we could.
We spent a good amount of time taking water out in buckets, and calling people looking
for a dehumidifier. We eventually got one and dried out all of his stuff pretty good so we were happy about that.

Saturday we had a ward service project over at a sister's house. She and her non member husband have both been pretty sick, so we all went over there and did a lot of yard work and people were working on their deck that was in pretty bad shape. We had a ton of people there and it all went well.

The sweetest thing that happened this week was on Sunday night. We had gone through our former investigators about a week ago, and there was this kid named Jared who had been taught when
he was 17 (he's 20 now), loved the Book of Mormon, came to church all the time, and then just dropped off the face of the earth. We left him a voicemail a week ago just asking if he ever wanted to meet up with us again, and randomly he decided to call us back on Sunday (people literally never call us back) and he wanted to meet that night. We went over, he had joined the army and just had stuff
come up with work and school back when he was being taught, and he lost his commitment to reading the scriptures and stuff, but that he had been rethinking his faith as of lately. We probably had one of the best discussions on faith that I've had on my mission. He thinks really....genuinely.
I don't know if that's the right word to describe it, but it was one of the few lessons I've had where he didn't have to be compelled to listen to us, he was legitimately trying to figure out God's place in his life and wanted to hear our thoughts. It was really cool, and I'm disappointed that I don't get to teach him more since I'm being transferred. It was good way to end the transfer though.

I'll tell you guys about my new area next week! peace!

Love, Elder Holt

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