Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Week 36


        So on Tuesday we had a specialized training at the Peter Whitmer farm! It was pretty cool being there, but we didn't really get to explore the place or the visitors center too much because we were getting trained on random things all day. Mostly all of the training was focused on "how to live" things, like eating right and shining our shoes. It was good, but it would have been cool to have some of the training happen in the visitors center, because I hear they have a lot of cool stuff about the restoration and organization of the church that you don't really get to see anywhere else. It was fun though, and it was awesome to see Elder Knudson (from Springville) again because I haven't seen him in a while.
        The rest of the week was pretty average. We tracted a bit, and we had a couple good conversations but no one really to come back to. We had a really good visit with a less active who's husband died a year ago. She's been in a depression since and doesn't like being in social situations so that's pretty much why she doesn't come, but we were able to give her a blessing and she really liked it.
         We also have an investigator named Vinnie. I don't know if I've said much about him, but he is a Doomsday prep-er. He has a magazine that he writes every month, and he has a radio show with a decent following (for a doomsday guy I guess). It's pretty cool because people will send him in sweet gadgets that they have made to try out, and he even gets random things from Cabella's that are pretty cool. He got these pants from them that change their camouflage depending on the temperature. He's a bit out there, and we don't really get anywhere teaching him because  he usually gets to the Second Coming and the Apocalypse no matter what we try to talk about. He is probably our most promising investigator if we are  measuring by church attendance. He loves coming to church, he likes talking to us, and he says he "feels good" when he reads the Book of Mormon. We never really get in to sit down and have a lesson with him, but we have learned if we go over a couple times a week to just say hey and remind him about church that he comes, and he will usually read the Book of Mormon more too. A lot of the time we just end up walking around his apartment complex a couple times while he talks about random life things and then at the end he'll just say "yah I've been reading the Book of Mormon, I like it, oh and can you guys set me up a ride to church on Sunday?" and that's about it (haha.) But if it's just small visits that get him to come to church then we'll take it.
         I think that's about all the notable things from the week. Hopefully this week we'll meet with all the people that can only meet every other week and I can talk about those people next week.

k bye!
Love, Elder Holt


 President Francis photo-bombing the picture of me and Elder Knudson

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