Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Week 35

Hey everybody!

This week we spent most of our time visiting less actives and recent converts,
which was good but we didn't have a lot of lessons to teach, which was a bummer.

A while ago we got a call from the Stake President saying that he was close
with this 28 year old guy who was about to get out of jail and has been wanting
to get baptized for years. He grew up in foster homes but for multiple
reasons he was in jail for a while, but we were told that he would be
released soon and we would get a call from him to go and meet him. His
name is Brendan and he called us on Tuesday this week. He's staying at a
motel in Mt. Morris which is meant for people who just got out of jail and need
time finding a place to live and what not. We went to meet him and he is the
nicest guy ever. He's read the Book of Mormon multiple times, but he just needs
some help getting started with life since he's been in jail for around 14 years.
We got some clothes for him from a few members since he pretty much doesn't have
anything, and he came to church on Sunday too. There's no question
that he will be baptized, but he just can't with all the legal stuff and
with him on parole right now. I don't know, it's an interesting

Anyway that's about all that was new this week, but I'm
attaching pictures to make up for my lack of email alright? alright

Elder Holt
Me with the Owens Family


Me and Elder Lewis

Elder Williams had to clean out the Baptismal Font and he looked a lot like
Sam Wise from 'Lord of the Rings'

Elder Williams fell into a hole

Me with our investigator, Chuck

Me with our investigator, Charlie

Me with the Snyders (The Senior Couple in Freedom)

Me and Elder Williams (from Springville)

My Red Sox buddy, Brother Duncan

Me and the Stoddards (Brother Stoddard was really happy)

Me, Elder Klumker, & Elder Lewis
(from when we were a Trio)

How I fell asleep one night...I was tired

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