Monday, April 21, 2014

Week 34

Hey Everybody!

So I didn't get a weekly email sent out last week so I guess I better
update you guys on the past 2 weeks.

So two weeks ago was a really good week! We had some really good
appointments with Nona, Randy, and Cassandra. Nona is a lady that we
met going to a dinner appointment one day, and she invited us back to
talk. We went over and she had us come in, and we just started talking
about normal things. My companion Elder Allen is really good at just
taking something from normal conversation and using it to jumpstart a
lesson, so we basically went right into the restoration. She liked it
and said she would read 2 Nephi 31 right after we left, so that was

We met with Randy later in the week. He's been an investigator for a
while, and has a kind of hard to explain situation. In short, he just
needs to come to church consistently for 4 months before he can get
baptized because he's on parole. He's been taught all the lessons and
will get baptized, but he also has a plan to get his wife to start
coming to church with him. We usually go over and talk about whatever
he has studied, but we had a really good visit with him.

On Sunday we met with Cassandra. She's the librarian lady that I'm sure
I've mentioned, but meeting with her is always really funny. We
asked her if she had read the Book of Mormon at all, and she said no,
but then she said how she's read Mosiah 3:19 every morning because she
wrote it down in her notebook which made us kind of confused. We
pretty much just talked about the restoration with her and how it
allows us to be even closer with Christ, and we started reading more
 Book of Mormon verses with her, and every verse we showed her, she would
just go crazy. She would make us stop and say "OHHHH
thats VERY good" in a thick African accent and then write it down.
Pretty much at the end of our meeting she had done that with 10
different verses and realized the Book of Mormon is really cool, so
she said she would finally read it. The only thing with her will be
getting her to connect the Book of Mormon with the restoration and
having Christ's church on the earth, because she's already very

This past week on the other hand, was really, really slow. We got
canceled on multiple times, and we had one appointment with Jen that
went well, but it's getting to the point where she needs to start
taking action with reading and coming to church or our visits will be
a waste of everybody's time. She didn't come on Sunday which was
disappointing but hopefully we can have a visit with her that gets her
going this week. Besides that though we really had nothing else going

Easter was really good, we had a dinner at the Larsen's, the
family with 2 year old quadruplets, and it was fun playing with them.

Alright well I hope everybody's doing well. Also if you haven't seen
the "Because of Him" video that the church put out yet, I command you
to go to youtube and watch it right this instant. It puts the
Atonement and Resurrection in a really cool perspective, so go watch

And I finally bought a thing to put my sd card in so I can send
pictures, so I'll do that next time we go to the library.

K bye!
Love, Elder Holt

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