Monday, April 21, 2014

Week 32

April 7, 2014
So transfer calls were last night and my companion and I are both
staying. I'm pretty happy about that, this transfer should be a really
good one.

So we had a really good lesson with Jen this week. I can't remember
how much I've mentioned about her but she is the daughter of a lady in
our ward, and she's in her 30's I think. Anyway, we have taught her
most of the lessons and have invited her to be baptized, which she
said she will do if she sees the Book of Mormon make a difference in
her life, which it will, she just needs to work on reading it
consistently. She lives far away so we can only see her once a week,
but this week we just reaffirmed the importance of the Book of Mormon
and the direction it gives, and I think she will do a lot better with
her reading.

Other than that, not much else happened. We usually do a lot of things
on Saturday and Sunday, but of course we had conference, which was the
bomb! a lot of good talks. every question I wrote down before
conference was specifically answered. It's funny how that works.
President Uchtdorf's Sunday morning talk was my favorite.

We tracted more than usual this week. Not too much success though. One
old lady opened her door, and she looked crazy, then told us she was
Catholic and that I should feel guilty whenever I think about faith,
then she shut the door. Usually we can tell what point people are
trying to make when they say things like that, but with her we still
have no idea, haha
Oh, so we had a dinner appointment on Thursday night and we had
cinnamon roll waffles. You literally just take pillsbury cinnamon
rolls and put them in a waffle iron and then put the frosting on
after. So good! and also fattening, but really good.
Anyway, see ya later! pictures are coming by the way. I'm using my
procrastination to teach everybody patience.

Love, Elder Holt

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