Monday, March 31, 2014

Week 31

Yo Everybody!

So I thought I sent an email last week, but apparently it didn't get sent
and then it got deleted. I think the highlight of that email was that
I got flipped off a couple times (haha.)

On to this week. Tuesday was fun! There has been a big shortage of miles in
our zone for some reason, so we didn't have a lot of miles to start this month
and we were really close to going over with a week left, so we decided
we would try to walk a lot. We have a dinner appointment every week in
Mt. Morris with a family in our ward, and for a number of reasons we
couldn't cancel it, so we decided to walk there. Mt. Morris is 8 miles
away, and we didn't really think about how far that was until we were
a half mile down the freeway. We kept going though, and we had
walked on the side of the freeway for about 2 1/2 miles until a member
saw us and picked us up. We were hoping that would happen but we
didn't actually think it would, but thank goodness it did.

Then we got picked up from our dinner appointment by the zone leaders
because they were coming down  to get us for exchanges anyway. I went
with Elder Larsen up to Batavia and Elder Allen and also my trainer
Elder Allen #2 stayed here. It was fun to go up to Batavia for a day.
Elder larsen was pretty sick so we didn't do too much, but we saw a
less active and we had a really good visit with her. she wasn't shy to
tell us why she didn't come to church, which is a good thing because
usually with less actives it's hard to bring it out of them so that we
can help.

The rest of the week was pretty normal. We went tracting in some
freezing rain on Saturday night so that was fun. That went pretty well
and we have a few people to go back to on that street. On Saturday it was
55 degrees and then we woke up to 7 inches of snow on Sunday. That's happened
every week for a month and it's really annoying, especially since we are attempting
not to be fat and go running in the mornings, but we can't when there's ice on the
sidewalks. Anyway, before it snowed there was a lot of rain which froze underneath
the snow, so the roads weren't too great Sunday morning. Most of the ward couldn't
come to church so we only had Sacrament meeting.

Alright well thats all I got. Cya later!
Love Elder Holt

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