Monday, March 10, 2014

Week 27

I'm in Geneseo now! It's a really good area. We have some good investigators, and most of the town is taken up by the college. It's really weird, because when we go to the library to internet proselyte, we go to the college library, so it feels like I'm just back in college when I'm there.
It's been wicked cold this week too. We decided to walk to the library one day when wind chills were at -20 and I forgot my hat and the wind was howling. It was super fun/horrible. My ears are still sore. Anyway, now that I'm done complaining I'll tell you about my week!
Tuesday was transfer day, so we got all transferred and stuff. Wednesday through Saturday are all merged together, so I'll just generalize. We have spent a lot of our time trying to find less actives with not too much success because they either don't answer or they have moved. We've had a couple good visits though. We have a couple cool investigators. Most notable is a woman named Cassandra. She's an African lady who is already pretty religious. She's pretty intrigued with the Book of Mormon though so she's going to get reading that this week.
Friday, there was a baptism back in Freedom for Kyle, who is the son of Larry, who was the fiancé of a less active that the senior couple went to go see. I think I've mentioned them before. Anyway, Kyle wanted me at the baptism so the Snyders came up and got us from Geneseo and drove us back to Freedom for the baptism. It was nice to see the people that I didn't get to say goodbye to from the Branch, and the baptism went really well. It was a lot of fun.
Sunday was church, which was sweet. I really like the ward. We have a lot of cool people and the members are really willing to work with us so hopefully we can get some work going. Anyway, that's all I got. Later!
Love, Elder Holt

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