Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 29

Hey Everyone!

I promise that more things happened during the week, but when I sit down to write them I can't remember much. I need to do better at writing down the things I want to say during the week so my letters aren't lame. I'll see what I can remember though...ummm so Wednesday was great! except I'm being sarcastic, because we had the worst snow storm of the winter. The day before it was 55 degrees, and we don't get the weather report so we thought it was finally spring and then we woke up the next morning to the snow just beating on us. We had another warning not to go out so we couldn't really do much. Thursday we had exchanges, so I went down to Nunda with Elder Johnston, who is in my district, and we just ended up tracting. That was alright, we got a couple people to come back to. 
I'm not remembering too well with what we did on Friday and Saturday, but I know that all of our investigators canceled on us. That was really the theme of the week, not having appointments because people just couldn't meet. We definitely should have some good teaching visits this week though. On Sunday we were given a key to the church! Missionaries a couple transfers ago lost it, so they couldn't get us one until now, so now we can play basketball on pday. umm what else...I know that I have things to tell you I just really can't remember right now. Hopefully I'll remember and I can put them in next weeks letter. I also have pictures, but I don't have a cord for my camera so I'll have to buy one. Sorry! Alright, well cya next week!
Love, Elder Holt

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