Monday, February 24, 2014

Week 26

Hey Everybody!

So transfer calls came last night, and I am OUT. I wasn't expecting it and it will be really hard leaving Springville, but it is what it is. I'm being sent to Geneseo, which apparently is a little bit more populated than Springville. Springville was in the bottom left of the mission, and now I'm going to the center-rightish of the mission, below Rochester. A change will definitely be interesting.
So this week was supposed to be super packed and busy with teaching and then it wasn't. All of our appointments fell through. We were still busy with other things, just not the stuff we wanted to be busy with. It's all good though! Some weeks are just like that. 
So on Friday our branch had our "Chinese auction". Sister Barts, the lady I had a picture with, puts it on every year, and pretty much everybody brings stuff that they don't want to the church, and everybody gets raffle tickets and you put tickets in the cups next to the items you want, and then they just draw to see who wins. so there's actually no money involved, and I ended up winning a sweet hat that looks like the one Walter White wears in Breaking Bad. There was also a rooster up for auction but I didn't win it.
On Sunday, we went up to Amherst for training and then a fireside. The training was about helping members create profiles, so that's another thing that we will be doing with our ipads. That should be fun.
Anyway, I think that's about it. I should have a lot to report next week with changing areas and stuff. Alright, cya later!
Love, Elder Holt

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