Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week 25


Man this transfer went by so fast. We only have one week 'till transfer calls. My companion thinks I'll be out but I think I'll stay in Springville one more. I've spent the first fourth of my mission here, this place is like home.
This week was pretty slow though. Most of our investigators just couldn't meet with us, and we had stuff going on in Arcade so we were out of our area for a couple days. We really want to make this last week good in case we're not together next transfer, so this week should be filled.
We were able to see Ray again this week. We went to breakfast with him on Saturday. He couldn't come to church this week but we should be able to see him a couple times this week. 
Well the winter is starting to calm down! It was in the 20's all week this week. I was able to wear my short sleeve shirts which I haven't been able to do for the last 3 months. I'm really looking forward to Spring, because all we can do on p-days around here is bowl and it is literally sucking my money away. On the bright side, I have gotten a lot better at bowling. I'm looking forward to when its warm enough to play sports though
Well...I don't really know what else to say. Everything has been pretty low key lately, and nothing crazy has happened to us. I've suddenly started putting on weight though so that's a new development. I might come home fat just yet. Oh I forgot! so last night we were at the Owens for dinner, and they have missionaries do the "hot sauce challenge" and then video tape us doing it. Brother Owens bought this insanely hot, hot sauce 7 years ago, and he made us all do the challenge. He put some on a spoon and we all took it, and at first the kick wasn't that bad and I could handle it pretty well, but then after a minute my hands and feet started going numb, and also my face, and then I started getting dizzy, ha ha. It was ridiculous. I thought I could handle hot things but apparently not.
'till next week
Love, Elder Holt

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