Monday, February 10, 2014

Week 24


It's been a couple of weeks. Nothing really happened the past two weeks, but this week was sweet!
On Thursday we got our ipads! Woo! We had a 3 hour training on them, but it will take a while to get used to them. We are supposed to not be using our daily planners within a week, but I really don't think that we can do that, because there is stuff that we write down in our planners that we don't have a spot to record in the "Area Book" app. The app is pretty sweet though. It decides automatically whether an investigator is progressing or just an "other" by the data we enter in for that person. We pretty much never have to use paper ever again for anything. The ward list is on there, and instead of printing out giant maps and color coding less actives and things like that, we can just go into google maps and enter in all the addresses of people. It is seriously the bomb. It helps us be wayyyyy more on top of things because we have to record what happened in lessons the same day it happened, and we have to make sure to record everything because numbers are reported automatically through the app. It'll make us be better missionaries though because we're more accountable!
On Friday, we got a call from Ray. He's the guy we almost slammed into, back at the beginning of January, and we towed his truck out. Anyway, we haven't been able to get in contact with him since then, but he called us on Friday and said he had some wood he needed stacked. We went that night because he wanted to show us what to do, and we ended up talking for a while about a lot of different things. The next day we came back with the other Elders from Arcade, and we stacked all the wood he had into his garage. The wood was covered in snow so it was hard to kind of find it all. Anyway, we invited him to church thinking he was just gonna be like "oh, I can't" but he was like "yah of course! give me all the info". Then he came to church the next day. I was pretty stoked because I haven't had an investigator at church my whole mission. All of our investigators either don't have a car or are scared to drive in the snow (even though they have lived in new york their whole lives). 
I think Ray liked it. He stayed for sacrament meeting and then had to leave. That might have been good though because people in our gospel principles class have a habit of getting into deep, deep doctrine that has nothing to do with a gospel "principle". Anyway, we are excited about him. I think thats about it for this week. I hope everybody's doing good! Ladies are welcome to send me valentines day packages.
Love, Elder Holt

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