Monday, January 27, 2014

Week 22


Nothing too new this week. We had a busy week but it was with stuff that didn't really deal with our investigators. On Tuesday we had a wedding happen in our branch, and it was so an investigator that the senior couple (The Snyders) in our branch have been teaching could get baptized. It's a pretty cool story. The Snyders went to visit a less active named Cheryl, and she said she would come back if her fiance Larry went with her, and then he took the discussions, and they moved their wedding from August up to this past week, so he could get baptized as soon as possible. His 18 year old son Kyle wants to get baptized too so it's pretty cool. 
We still haven't been able to set a date with Chuck, which is just classic Chuck because he takes everything reeeaaaally slow. Our investigator Charlie wants to be baptized too, so we will hopefully set a date with him soon. 
Besides that though we mostly came up empty this week. There were 3 people that we were excited to go back to from tracting and they were pretty much all a miss. We couldn't make appointments with our progressing investigators either this week, but I'm sure this next week will be packed.
Tomorrow we are having zone meeting and then having a "zone p-day" which is cool because I have never had a p-day where I got to be in a gym.
Oh, so after the wedding on Tuesday, we went to this place in Holland for the reception/dinner, and they have a deal for unlimited chicken wings for just 5 bucks. What a steal right? I then proceeded to eat my weight in garlic parmesan chicken wings. We'll probably go back there again...
anyway, I hope everybody's doing good!
Oh here's a quote I saw this week. "Trying times are times for trying". I'm sure all of you are now extremely inspired...k bye
Love, Elder Holt 

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