Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Week 20


So last night we got transfer calls. I pretty much had already started packing because I was sure I was getting moved, and I took pictures with everyone at church too. Instead they made Elder Lewis a Zone leader and moved him to Buffalo and I'm staying here. I'm really happy I'm staying though! this area is awesome and I didn't feel ready to leave, so that's good. 
This past week was pretty good. We didn't get to see everyone that we wanted but we still made some progress. On Wednesday night we went to the Methodist church to play basketball again. Everybody that played last time said hey to us and we're meeting some cool kids there. The Owens, a family from our branch, have their son, Nate out on a mission in Arizona right now, and we met this kid named Darnell who knows Nate really well, so hopefully we can talk to him more.
Oh yah, so a big storm/cold front came in this week, and we got a Mission wide text Monday night saying that if temperatures were under zero on Tuesday that we needed to stay inside. The snow storm missed Springville, but it was negative 7 all day so we didn't really do much. We drove to visit a couple people but that was about it. I'm guessing that Dad probably tracted in that type of weather in Finland all the time, so he'll think we're pansies.
Anyway, I think that's it. We spent most of our time this week working with a couple people/complicated situations that I would like to tell you about, but it would take a really long time to explain them fully and they wouldn't make sense if I only mentioned a couple things about them.

Alright, well I hope everyone has a great week!
Love, Elder Holt  

Here are some pictures...

Sister Barts and I. She is 70 and her farm is still going strong.
Me and Dennis "The Legend" who Reigns

Me and Brother Becker

The truck that the other Elders "Totalled"!

The Daily Sunrise

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