Monday, January 6, 2014

Week 19

Hey Everybody!

I'm having trouble remembering what happened this week. It went by so fast. It hit -12 for a bit,
then it was 40 yesterday, then this week we are supposed to have a crazy, crazy snow storm
with -30 wind chill and stuff like that...should be fun.
We did have a cool miracle this week! On Wednesday, we were just having an off day. All of our plans fell through, and we really didn't have much energy either. We didn't know what we were going to do in the evening either because when it gets dark no one answers the door, and if they do they aren't happy about it. We got a text from Kelly saying we should come over for dinner. So we drove the 20 minutes to her house, ate, and we were driving back from Springville, and I was coming around a corner going decently fast (we were driving on snow) and I saw two cars stopped on the road, and one was sideways on the road, so I slammed on my breaks and we started skidding toward the car, and there was no way we were going to stop in time. Somehow I was able to steer the car just enough to the side while we were skidding to avoid hitting the other car. Then we got out, because this guy had gotten his truck stuck in a ditch on the side of the road. He had gone and got his other car to try and get his truck out, but he was having a lot of trouble. Anyway, we were able to get his truck out of the ditch with ours, and then he invited us into his house for a little bit. He asked us a lot about what we do as missionaries, and he was interested to hear more, but he was really sick so he said to come back another day. He's a recovering alcoholic and has been sober for 4 years, and just by talking to him he seemed like he's open to hearing what we have to say. So we are excited about him.
On Saturday we were able to go to the temple because a girl in our branch received her endowments (she's leaving on her mission soon) so that was fun to go up to Palmyra for half the day. I think thats about it for last week. Besides meeting that guy, I think we had a pretty normal week. I hope everybody's doing good!
Love, Elder Holt

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