Monday, July 28, 2014

Week 46


So last week was pageant week! President Francis said we could go 3 times, once
with a member, and twice with an investigator. The problem is that we are all the
way in Buffalo, and none of our investigators have cars, so we couldn't go with any

We went on Wednesday night with the Hunts though, and it was sweet! We showed
up, and all the Anti's were standing in their designated areas right in front of the
entrance. I was expecting much worse. It was kind of disappointing, there was just
one guy on a mega phone saying stuff, except he wasn't even saying anything that
bad or controversial. It was actually pretty funny, and then there were people passing
out pamphlets. We passed by them and then you walk through the entrance and
everything completely changes.

One of the Elders in my district says that walking into pageant is probably exactly like
walking into the spirit world, because the cast members are high fiving you, and there
are people everywhere and you get to see a bunch of people from your old areas, and
you can talk to elders you haven't seen in a while, and everyone is super happy. It's
kind of hard to explain, but I guess it's sort of like going into Disneyland, except better.
Anyway, I saw some people from my old areas, and I also talked to Randy Francis for a
 while. That was the first time I've seen him since he got back. It was fun to talk to him.
We had sweet seats for the play and it was awesome. It was really well done. My favorite
part was the soundtrack. I'm sure you can find scenes of it on youtube so you should look
them up.
Hill Cumorah Pageant Set
I think the coolest thing that happened this week was our lesson with April. April is
someone we met about a month and a half ago on the street. She had talked with
missionaries before, but when they were transferred she was never met with again.
We had an appointment a while ago but she wasn't there. We decided to try her house
again since we hadn't tried in a while, and she answered and we were able to set an
appointment up for Monday night. We met with her on her porch and it started out kind
of awkward, especially because she didn't seem too excited to meet with us, but as we
started asking her questions she really opened up. She talked about how she just isn't
happy with life and we were able to talk about the Book of Mormon, especially Alma 7
(that's my go to in lessons. I think I use it 95% of the time). She didn't really have a
religious past but we testified that God is real and that life has more purpose than we
think. It turned out really well and we have another lesson with her tonight!
Besides that we just went less active hunting. That's going alright. Most of the people
on the ward list have moved. Also on Tuesday we had an AMO by the senior couple in
charge of housing, the Rays. AMO stands for 'apartment makeover', and they do one
once a year for each apartment. We requested one since our apartment is full of leftover
stuff from years of missionaries. AMO's take up all day, and the Rays literally go through
everything in our apartment with us. We got rid of sooooo much furniture that we didn't
need, and now our apartment is the bomb. It's so clean. Anyway, I have to go! 
Love Elder Holt

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