Friday, July 18, 2014

Week 45


This week was good and also weird at the same time. We have gotten a
lot of referrals from head quarters and from the elders in our
district. We end up finding for each other all the time because when
we talk to people on buses, a lot of the time they are going to where
they live which is out of our area so we have to hand them off.
We got a huge pool of people to see this week which made the week
awesome, but then we didn't have too much time to see them and when we had
appointments with some of the people they would cancel last minute,
which messed up our schedule and we ended up not seeing as many people as we
had hoped.

We got a new investigator this week named Elijah. We met him
on the train, and he is interesting, to say the least. We have
had two lessons with him, and at the end of the lessons he usually
ends up understanding what we taught and with motivation to commit to
our invitations, but it takes us a while to get there. He's half Cherokee,
half Black, and he's 57 years old, and has a lot of stories to tell from his crazy
experiences. He's pretty comfortable telling us anything, so we've heard all kinds
of stories. He is a cool guy and he seems sincere with his desire to learn, so hopefully
he reads the Book of Mormon like we invited him to do. Besides that we didn't have
too many lessons, but we had other things to do. Every once in a while the foodbank
will call us and need help unloading a new shipment, so we did that for and hour and
a half on Wednesday.

The other day I was riding my bike, and I stood up on the pedals to turn
my head around to check for cars, when I sat back down my seat just snapped
out from underneath me while I was still moving. Probably the scariest moment
of my life! Luckily, I was able to catch myself with my legs and stop the bike. I
picked up the seat out of the road and the screw that was holding it together just
snapped in half, so I'll have to go find a new screw. I've been riding for a few
days without a seat which stinks, but I think my legs are getting more muscular
because of it so that's cool.

On Tuesday it was Elder Klumker's birthday so we went out to Texas
Road House for his birthday dinner. It was a lot of fun, and I
probably ate my weight in rolls. They were the best rolls I've ever had
and then they have that unlimited honey butter which makes it
impossible for me to control myself. Me and Klumker split some ribs
and they were top class.

The Hill Cumorah Pageant started last Friday. We are going on Wednesday
with a member, and hopefully we can get an investigator to go with us on Friday
or Saturday. I'm really excited for it. I'll let you know how it goes next week.

Alright Cya!
Love, Elder Holt

Me and Elder Rawe saw some guys playing Basketball after and appointment
on an exchange - we hopped in to play

Elder Rawe, me, Elder Klumker at Texas Road House
for Elder Klumker's Birthday

Me and Elder Klumker looking really good

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