Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Week 49


We had transfer calls last night, and our district got slashed. Before last night it was Elder Rawe and Elder Detlor in Eggert, Elder Klumker and Elder Giroux in Kenmore, and me and Elder Clinger in Buffalo. We used to have sisters here a couple transfers ago so it was 3 sets covering 4 areas, but Elder Klumker and Elder Giroux both got transferred out and Kenmore is being closed down, so now we have two sets covering 4 areas. Elder Rawe is going home in 3 weeks in the middle of the transfer so he can get back to school, so Elder Eggert will be in a trio for 3 weeks, and me and Elder Clinger are the same. Elder Rawe is district leader right now, but after he leaves I'll be made district leader, so that will be interesting. So the next transfer will be crazy because we have to realign our boundaries, and we have to take all of Kenmores investigators, and we still only have our bikes to get around. It will be fun being super busy, but probably pretty stressful too.
Our week was good though. My birthday was fun. I was on an exchange with Elder Rawe, and a couple in our ward took us out to Anchor Bar for wings which was the bomb. We had a couple really good lessons, one particularly with April. I think I talked about her a while ago, but we were finally able to see her again and teach the Plan of Salvation, and she loved it a lot. Our lessons always go so awesome, but then we won't be able to see her for like 3 weeks. We should have a regular Thursday appointment with her now though. Also, with the Key Mey family, we found out there is a Karen/Karenni/Burmese branch in Salt Lake, and we were able to get a hold of them, so we can skype in a member who knows English and Karen so they can translate with the family. This is actually a super big deal, because we can finally teach them and they can actually understand what's going on. Also, on Sunday they showed up to church again for the third week in a row, even though every week I ask them where they are going to church and they say their Burmese church. I asked them why they decided to come and they never understand what I'm asking. We will have our first skype lesson with him this week which will be super awesome.
That's about it for our investigators. Me and Elder Clinger have our new tradition of "Sunday Night Tracting" which is usually pretty fun and kind of effective. Oh also, they have a General Mills Cereal factory in South Buffalo, and every couple days the wind will be blowing into the city from the south, and the whole entire city will smell like Lucky Charms. Those are always great days. But yah, that's all I got for this week. Cya later!
Love Elder Holt

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