Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 51

August 25, 2014

The past couple weeks have been filled with a bunch of stuff, and we've been pretty
busy working out the kinks with our area almost tripling in size. I'll try and hit
the main stuff that we've been doing though.

There's a 33 year old lady named Isabel that called us out of the blue two weeks
ago. She met with missionaries before, but because of pressure from her family
she stopped visiting with them and backed off. But then after a year of thinking
about it and reading The Book of Mormon, she decided that she shouldn't care
what her family thinks and do what was right for herself, so she called us and told
us she wanted to meet. We met her that night, and she was the most prepared person
I've ever talked to. She's read all The Book of Mormon, knows it's true, and wants to
be baptized. We met with her twice that week and she loved everything, and she
came to church and loved it too. We set a baptismal date with her, but then this week
we texted her to remind her about our appointment, and she said that she needed some
time to do some "soul searching" and she said she'd call us back when she was ready.
We still have no idea what happened, we haven't heard anything from her since that text.

We also contact a lot of referrals in the city, because a bunch of people
google free bible, and comes up first, so we always are going around
delivering bibles to the people that requested them, and we are usually able to
get a return appointment with them. We had one referral this week for a guy named
Jonathan, and we delivered the bible and he turned out to be a 15 year old kid. He said
we could come back and teach him, so we went to go see him on Saturday.
Apparently, he had requested a bible with no outside influence. His family is not religious,
he doesn't have a church that he goes to, and all he said was that he thought the bible was
a good place to start to get closer to God. We had a sweet lesson with him and talked a lot
about The Book of Mormon, and he was really excited about it and said he'd read it,
so that was pretty cool.

We haven't been able to see April, but the Key Mey family has come to church 5 Sundays
in a row which is awesome. We haven't  been able to have the skype lesson with them
with one of the members from the Karen Branch in Salt Lake, but we're working on it.
Anyway, we have tons of other stuff going on. It makes missionary work fun being busy all
the time.

Oh and we also went to the temple this week, which was the bomb. Love the temple.
I've got to run.

Love, Elder Holt

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