Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 52

September 1, 2014

This week has been a little chopped up. I was on an exchange with Elder Whatcott from my district on Tuesday, and then Wednesday we went to zone meeting and I left after that with one of the zone leaders for an exchange up in Amherst. I didn't get back to my area until the next night. So Tuesday through Thursday is all a blur, but we did stuff and we taught people, that's all I know (haha.)
I don't know when the last time was when I mentioned Mark and Jack, but we had a lesson with them on Sunday after church and it was sweet. We taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ and asked them how they felt about baptism, and they said that they were ready, so we set a date for September 21st with them! They are awesome kids, and I think I mentioned they were twins before, but anyway they are sweet and are really smart.  They were the first people I've taught that when we asked them what they remembered about the Restoration or the Plan of Salvation, they would just recite the whole entire lesson back to us. They've been reading The Book of Mormon everyday for close to a month now and they are so involved with the young men that fellowship isn't a problem at all. They are working on their First Class Scout Rank and went to High Adventure with the Stake this year and they are just way awesome, and are pretty excited to be baptized. They were a little hesitant when we invited them a couple weeks ago, but that was only because they thought serving a mission was mandatory, and they have always planned on going into the military and they don't think their mom would let them go on missions. They were asking if they could be set apart missionaries while they were in the army because they want to do both.
Besides that I don't have anything new from this week. Isabelle hasn't called us back so that's a bummer. Elder Rawe is going home in two days so that he could get home in time to start at BYU Idaho, so today for p-day we're going to go site seeing around Buffalo. By "site seeing", I mean go up to the top of city hall and look around, and that's about it, because there aren't any other sites here. We might go down by the lake front though so that might be cool.

Alright, cya later!
Love, Elder Holt

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