Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 54


We seem to always get into conversations with crazy people when we are
in train stations or on the bus. I think it's because there are a lot of crazy people
in Buffalo, and we go around trying to talk to everybody, so naturally we end
up talking to some pretty weird people.

A recurring thing that happens a couple times a week is that we will meet someone
right before we get on a train or bus, and when we get on the bus or train they will
sit by us and just be ranting about something to us really loudly which usually causes
a scene of sorts. Buses and trains are usually dead silent so whenever anyone talks
everyone on the bus can hear, and when someone is talking really loudly it gets uncomfortable....pretty decently uncomfortable. It depends on what they are ranting
about though. But yah, that's just something that happens on public transportation
as we go around Buffalo.

This week went by really quickly and it's pretty blurry when I try to think about it.
As far as our main investigators, we taught the Key Mey family again. Our lessons
are pretty much family home evening lessons at this point, but they have been helping
them a lot and they have been coming to church every week. We are teaching Mark and
Jack the last few things they need to know before they are fully ready to be baptized.
I don't know if I mentioned this, but their date is the second Sunday of October instead
of late September now. We also spent time teaching an investigator that came from
the Kenmore area. The previous missionaries have had an investigator for a long time
that would have been baptized in June, but because of on going court stuff he can't be
baptized yet. Hopefully the court stuff will be wrapped up by October.

We have a new investigator named Allen. He's a 60-70 year old man that the Kenmore
Elders met tracting, and we had our second lesson with him this week. He is really cool.
He's a super nice guy. In our first lesson he was pretty hesitant, but this last lesson he
was really interested. He asks really good questions and is really straight forward which
is funny. We told him about The Book of Mormon the first time and he was like,
"Well I guess I'm going to have to read this book!" Then in our last appointment he said
"I'm going to read this whole thing....and then im gonna pray about it!". It's just funny
when he tells us that because when he says it the man means business. We have another
lesson this week which will be fun.

Besides that though there's nothing too new. Our apartment building fire alarm went off at
4:45 am one morning this week and didn't go off for 20 minutes, so my companion and I
left the building, then went back inside because no one else was coming out and it was
raining. Then 3 fire trucks showed up and came to check it out but there was nothing.
They left and then the fire alarm went off again for another 15 minutes, then turned off,
then kept turning on and off until 7:30 am, so we didn't fall back asleep which was horrible.

Oh, yah, last thing, so Gladys Knight is coming to the Rochester Stake with her "Saints
Unified Voices Choir". Apparently she will go to different stakes doing a devotional/concert
type thing that is focused on her testimony, and the whole thing is directed toward non-members,
specifically African Americans. You can't get a ticket unless you are bringing a non member
with you....luckily we know a lot of non members, so we are bringing one of our African
American potential investigators to it. It's going to be awesome. No photography though
so I won't have any pictures.

Anyway, that's it.
Love Elder Holt

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