Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Week 57


So this week we have Elder Hamula, a member of the Seventy coming to
tour our mission and give us a training. That's happening on Tuesday so
it should be pretty cool! Seventies are always sweet when they come.

This week was good. On Wednesday an older couple that we are
teaching invited us to go to Fort Niagara. It's this Fort that was built
before the revolutionary war by the French, and it claims that it was
the key to North America and really, really important. I'm not so sure,
but it was still really cool. It changed hands 3 times between
the French, the British, and the States which is pretty interesting.
Anyway, it was insanely windy, but still pretty cool and historic and
such. It was good to spend time with our investigators too.

At Fort Niagra
Another picture at Fort Niagra
In the Gift Shop - I really wanted to buy this
Every Friday we go to help out at a soup kitchen. It's called "Heart, Love,and Soul" and we go to help serve breakfast to all the people that come in.
It's fun and I get to wear a hairnet. So yah, if you ever wonder what I'm
doing on a Friday morning, I'm probably serving cereal to people. That's the
station I usually get. Except last time I had to do the coffee station, so that
was fun.

I'll give you a vague rundown of who we've been teaching lately. We teach
a part-member couple every week. The woman, Kathy, has cancer and doesn't
have much time left to live, but she wants her husband to be baptized and she
wants to be sealed before she passes. We've taught them a couple times and we
have good visits. We also teach a couple guys around our age. We teach a guy
named Matt who is 18 and has a baptismal date, and we also teach a guy named
Gerald who is 22 and should be getting baptized next week, but I think he's
going to be baptized in the YSA ward. Those are the main people we are working
with, but we also have appointments with a good amount of recent converts,
because we are supposed to keep teaching them up to a year after their baptism,
and we also have a few less actives to see.

This week we will not have much time to see people, because we have Elder
Hamula training Tuesday, and we are going to the temple on Saturday. The other
days of the week are open but when we lose two days of time that's a lot.

Alright, I've got to go. Cya!
Love Elder Holt

Hiking on P-day

Another from our P-day hike

Me and Elder Anderson

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