Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Week in MTC

Elder Andrew Jones and I

So the internet was down all day so I don't have too much time to write, but the MTC is great! I've been learning a lot and I'm already alot more confident in my teaching abilities. We're mostly just learning how our goal in teaching should be to help them make their own choices in becoming closer with Heavenly Father and to let the spirit convert them. I was made district leader so my extra responsibilities include getting the mail and making sure the elders make their beds. There are only 6 people including me in my district so its not too over-demanding of a job. Also, apparently I am the only elder in my whole zone that is going to the Rochester mission. Everyone else is going to Detroit, Texas, Seattle, and another place I can't remember. I got my travel plans today for when I leave the MTC, and I am in a travel party of 1. The good news is that this makes me group travel leader by default. (its an actual position) the elders in my district will be in a travel party of 9. Also I have  3 flights to get to rochester. 
So I've been drinking alot of chocolate milk. You can't just offer me unlimited chocolate milk and not expect me to take you up on it. Oh before I forget happy birthday Diana! And thanks for the MTC drop off. Anyway, I love my district, alot of really cool and funny guys. They"re all 18. My companion is cool. He's really quiet but I like him. So I was thinking that I would want more time in the MTC, but there is no way I want to spend anymore time here than the 12 days I'm supposed to be here. I love it but I just want to get out there already. 
OK for reals send me letters. Dear elders would be really really great. On dear elder make sure you you select MTC WEST CAMPUS because I'm in the new MTC. And if you decide to grace me with a letter put your email address in there so I can respond. I forget everyone's. 
Alright, well I love you all. The Gospel is true!
Love, Elder Holt

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