Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week 11

Hey People!
Yesterday was Veterans day so we couldn’t write, but The Owens had all their kids off from school and they were going to the “National Museum of play” up in Rochester so we went with them. They have a 15 passenger van so the 6 elders in our district went up with them. It was pretty fun, except by national museum of play, they literally mean national MUSEUM of play. They had things to do, but most of the time I was looking at toys I wanted to play with that were tightly secured in glass cases, and then they had a bunch of signs all over the museum that said “learning IS playing!” to rub in how much you weren’t playing. It actually was pretty fun though and there were some interesting exhibits.
Anyway, things have been changed up again, except this time it was in the middle of the transfer so it was really unexpected. We had Zone conference on Friday and after that President Francis pulled the four of us that live in Springville aside, and then he pointed at me, Elder Lewis, and Elder Klumker and said “starting Monday you guys are gonna be in a trio, and Elder Knudson you’re being transferred to Amherst.” Apparently an elder that is going home at the end of this transfer has to leave 3 weeks early for military reasons, so Knudson's going there and that leaves the 3 of us in Springville. So now that we’re with Elder Klumker we now have 10 investigators that we’ll have to plan around, which is pretty funny because on Thursday Elder Lewis had suggested that we should fast for opportunities to teach more people, so we did, and then the next day we inherited Klumkers 7 investigators. Besides that this week was pretty normal. On Tuesday we had service, on Wednesday we had service, and then Thursday we finally got to see Joe and Amanda. I don’t know if I've mentioned them, but they are a couple that live downstairs in our complex and have a 3 month old baby. We met them a few weeks ago and they said we could come by, so we went down there and we got to know them, and then we left them with a Book of Mormon and we’re coming back this week to talk more about it. They’re pretty cool so I'm excited to meet with them.
Friday we had Zone conference which was sweet. I love having President Francis as a Mission President. I love Zone conferences, and hearing what he has prepared. On Saturday we pretty much just tracted and tried to go see people that said we could come back from previous tracting, but nobody was interested. This week will be really interesting though because it will be packed with seeing people. It will also be weird because we’re only gonna be in a trio for 3 weeks, and then we will probably get another elder in Springville so it will be interesting to see how all of that works out.
It snowed last night, about 5-6 inches. I think it's here to stay.
Alright well I hope everyone is doing well. Letters are welcome around 100% the time.
Love, Elder Holt     

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