Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Week 13

Hello Familia,
It's been snowing out the wazoo out here. Well, not that much, but all the roads were covered and we’re supposed to get more tonight. Its good. I'm the designated driver right now so my companion’s lives are in my hands. Anyway, this week was good as always.
Tuesday was awesome because we went up with Christian to the sacred sites. We had the tour of the Joseph Smith home and then went into the Sacred grove for a little bit which is always an awesome experience. It's really nice because when we go into the Sacred grove we are allowed to separate and go off on our own, so it’s the only chance I have on my mission to be alone and think. I also got lost in there because all the leaves were covering the trail and I didn’t know where I was going. After that we went to the Hill Cumorah visitors center and watched The Restoration movie.
Christian’s vaporizer broke in the morning, so he had to go all day without smoking it and he’s addicted to it so he was in a bad mood most of the day. He didn’t have the experience we were hoping he would have, but it was still good. Oh and we went to Nimas after, which is this pizza place that all the missionaries like to go to because they have calzones the size of my upper body that are really good.
The rest of the week was good. Chuck was especially awesome. We taught him the Restoration, and after he talked about how he was initially only curious in the Book of Mormon but now he’s starting to feel something. He’s a really smart guy and gets a lot out of the reading, and he’s really interested in going to see the sacred sites as well so we might do that soon. It's really sweet to have the Sacred grove so accessible for investigators, and after taking Christian we want to start inviting our other investigators to go too.
Also we visited with Marie a couple times this week. She bakes all the time so we asked her to teach us how to bake pastries, so we went over on Friday and spent a couple hours baking stuff. It was really fun, and we were able to watch the Restoration video with her which she liked. She also said she would read a chapter we left with her in the Book of Mormon so that’s awesome too. Chuck and Marie were the two highlights of the week pretty much. Nothing really happened with our other investigators.
On Saturday the 2 other elders in our district had a baptism. That was really cool for the branch. Her name is Olivia and I think shes 17. She might be 18 though. Anyway, she got baptized and her mom will probably be baptized soon too, so that’s cool.
Oh and rumor has it (President Francis told us) that we are all going to get “digital devices” (ipads) pretty soon. That’s gonna be awesome because we will be able to whip out videos in the middle of a lesson, and whats even sweeter is that our area book and planners will be on there, so all we have to do is type in information about our investigators instead of getting the huge binder out and dealing with all the paperwork in there. Seriously its gonna make everything like 20 times easier.
Alright well that’s it. BYE. Oh and heres a scripture I liked from this week
2 Nephi 28:24 “Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion”
Elder Holt 

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