Monday, November 18, 2013

Week 12

So it's officially open season out here. Saturday opened rifle hunting, so everyone around here was out in the forest on Saturday. Seriously everyone. Actually everyone that had a beard was out. You can tell who the hunters are because they all have thick gross beards. They think they are all really tough just because they look like the guys on Duck Dynasty. Everyone loves that show out here. Another thing about hunters is that they will not hold a conversation with another human  being if that human being does not hunt. Here’s how most of my conversations with men go around here.
Me: How's it going?
Bearded guy: Alright. Just went hunting today.
Me: Cool
Bearded guy: You like to hunt?
Me: No
Bearded guy: ……
They will then proceed to not talk to me and/or say condescending things to me (“do you even know what a 6 point is”) as if my only purpose in life is to take up space. Its fun.
Anyway, this week was really packed with stuff. We combined our areas because we are a temporary trio, so we had a lot of people to see this week. Everyday from Tuesday to Saturday was stacked. We had to skip dinner a couple times too. It was the most fun week of my mission that's for sure. I didn't think that I would ever be that busy.  I can't really pick out what we did on each day because its kind of a blur. The investigators that we inherited from Elder Klumker are Christian, Ray, Denny, Stanley and Dorothy, and the Dispenzas. Christian is the guy that I mentioned like 7 emails ago that had the drug problems.  He’s doing alright. He still is trying to get off alcohol, and he’s waiting to see if he can get approved for detox. He came to Stake Conference with us yesterday though so that was good. We’re really excited for Tuesday because we’re going to go to Palmyra and see all the Sacred sites with him. Its going to be sweet.
I’ll talk about everyone else as I get to know them. Nothing new happened with any of the investigators that I've mentioned before. I don’t really know what else to tell you. It snowed this week. Now its all melted. I can’t really think of anything else that was interesting this week. We had stuff to do but nothing noteworthy happened.
Oh, I forgot to put this in last week but we had zone conference 2 weeks ago and President Francis told us this really funny story. He was telling us how he always dreamed of dunking in a basketball game and all through high school he never did. Then it was his last game of the season against their rival, and he was like “so I got the ball on a fast break with 30 seconds left, and I was going to the hoop and there was a defender coming on-AND THEN I DUNKED IT!!! YAHHHH!!!” He screamed it so loud out of nowhere and had this terrifying look on his face, ha, ha. It was so funny but we were all trying not to laugh that hard because we were still in the chapel, but it was so funny. I love President Francis.
Alright well have a good week everybody.
Love, Elder Holt

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