Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Week 40


I'm still alive. This week I decided that I am now more likely to get
injured riding a train or a bus than riding my bike. I have yet to
develop the incredible balance that every person in Buffalo has when
they are riding a bus.

Seriously though, whenever I get on a bus, I slide my card and right as 
I turn around the driver just floors it and I almost fall face first into one
of the side polls every time. Every other person I see though is completely
un-phased. Teenage girls will get on while they're texting and the bus will
take off and they don't even shuffle or anything. It's worse when I don't
have a spot to sit and I'm just standing there, because everyone around
me that's standing doesn't even have to hold on to anything, so I try to look
all casual like them and just keep my hand on a nearby seat, but
really whenever the bus slows down I am digging my toes into the
ground and flexing my quads as hard as I can so I don't fall forward,
which usually doesn't work and then I stagger forward and desperately
look for something to grab on to...it's great! I guess it gets people
to notice me right?

This week has been good! I'll just give you guys the good main
thing we were excited about this week. The Key Mey family is one of
the Burmese families we are teaching. We call them the Key Mey family,
but that's mostly because the father's name is Key Mey and Burmese
people don't have last names. The other Burmese people that were
baptized are from a different part of Burma, and in their part their
last name is just their gender. For boys it's "Reh" and for girls its
"Meh", so in that family we have Deh Reh, Seh Meh, Lu Meh, and Pleh
Meh. I'm sure Burma has problems with identifying people.  

The Key Mey family didn't come to church last Sunday
and they said they would, and we were really disappointed, but when we
went over this week Key Mey said that he tried to go ride is bike to
our church (he likes to ride his bike to places before he drives
there) and said he couldn't find it, so we just went with him and his wife in
his car, showed them where it was, and then gave them a tour of the
building. The next day they came, but it was cooler because the mom
wasn't supposed to come because of work and she told us she wouldn't
be there, but I guess she asked for special permission to go into her
work later to come the church! that was cool. But yah, we were excited
about that and we're hoping to commit them to baptism this week.
Hopefully it goes well!

Alright cya!
Love Elder Holt

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