Monday, June 30, 2014

Week 42


This week was sweet! The best thing that happened was that Key Mey's
family came to church. This time it wasn't just the parents and
the two toddlers. It was the whole family. We were standing inside the
foyer when the 4 oldest kids in the family walked in, (which we were
stoked about,) but we didn't see Key Mey or his wife. We asked
the kids where their parents were, and they said that they just went
home. I assumed that Jo (the mom) probably had to go to work, so I
didn't think much of it and was just happy that the kids came. Then 4
minutes into Sacrament meeting Key Mey and Jo walked in with the two
youngest. Key Mey made two trips to get all 6 kids to church and
Jo had gotten permission to go to work late again so that she could

After sacrament I had to herd all 6 kids around the hallways trying to figure
out what rooms their classes were in and dropping them off one by one.
It was a little hectic, and then we went and got Key Mey who was wandering
around looking for Jo. We found Jo outside the bathroom, and got them to
the English class that we have for the Burmese people.

At the end of church it was a little crazier because they were trying to get the
whole family together in a corner of the church so they could leave. It was really
funny because Jo was yelling to me the number of kids left they needed to find
in her thick Burmese accent and then I would go off to find them. She kept losing
track of her youngest and then turning around to count them all again.

They ended up all liking church a lot. They would come every week but Jo wants
her kids to learn Caren (their native language) and they do that in Sunday School
at their church. I think that's only every once in a while. We'll have to figure that out.

In other news we taught this girl named Kisha this week. I don't know if I've mentioned
her very much. She was a media referral that requested a bible and we've met with
her a couple times. Teaching her is kind of crazy because she goes off on tangents,
but we actually had a sweet lesson with her this week that got somewhere. All of our
lessons so far have felt like she is cautious towards us and like she is hearing us out 
and not looking to learn, but this lesson was the first time where she was actually
looking to us for answers and had legitimate questions. We didn't stick so much to any
of the lessons, but we had a really good conversation about our purpose and what
being a child of God really means. We were bouncing around to a lot of other topics
but I feel like we made some progress, and we were able to teach out of the Book of
Mormon the whole time. I think she is more open to reading it now. 
We have a baptism coming up on Sunday! Peh Reh and Lu Dee. They have had their
date set a couple weeks before I got here, so we've just been reviewing commandments
and helping them prepare. That's happening Sunday after Church so it should be sweet!
k bye!
Love Elder Holt

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