Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week 66

(From Dec. 29, 2014)


It was Christmas this week! We did a lot of cool fun stuff. On Tuesday we went caroling with the Romero's, a family that we have a weekly dinner appointment with. Wednesday was our mission wide Christmas Eve Party, which was sweet because we never get together as a whole mission except on Christmas Eve. It was the bomb. We had a white elephant give exchange ( I got an old picture of a fish that I promptly threw away) and lunch was catered by a local Mexican Restaurant, and then we were able to just hang out. 

There was a talent show too, which was pretty cool. Elder Haines and I performed a song that I wrote about orange juice. I played the piano while he played the harmonica and we both sang, and we pretty much rocked everyone's socks off. Well sort of, haha. But anyway, Christmas was way fun. We went to a couple members houses and got fed a lot and then we skyped our families and it was awesome. Then our district went to Denny's for Christmas dinner. It was more crowded than you would think, plus they don't let you order off the normal menu, so you have to order off of their expensive holiday menu. 

The next couple of days we couldn't really do much because everyone was still with their families, so it was pretty slow. Things will pick up after the holidays are over. I can't wait for that. The holidays are like missionary kryptonite! Cya later!

Love, Elder Holt

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