Monday, December 29, 2014

Week 65


So I'm training now! Elder Anderson got transferred and I went up to pick up my 'son' at transfer meeting on Tuesday. His name is Elder Bates and he's from Pocatello, Idaho. He's young, just out of High School.
Training is definitely different than what I was expecting but I'm liking it so far. 

No one could meet with us this week because they were all busy with Christmas stuff or with family. We also had a couple training meetings to go to so we didn't have too much proselyting time. We did do a little bit of tracting though. I knocked a couple doors and then it was Elder Bate's turn to do his first one, and he was nervous about it and didn't really know what to say. He knocks on the door and two seconds later this lady answers and before Bates can say anything she says "Guys its cold out there come inside!" which never ever happens. (I've been let inside only once my whole mission.) It turns out that they have good Mormon friends and that elders helped them move from Pennsylvania 10 years ago. They were super nice and we gave them a "He is the gift" card. They were pretty set in their own church though. 

Also on Saturday the other elders in our district drove up to our area and we went carol tracting. We went to Rite Aid to buy Santa hats and the employees wanted us to carol for them in Rite Aid so we did, haha. That was fun. Then we just went around to some less actives in our area to carol and it was actually super awesome. We were going to do all the less actives and then carol random doors but we didn't have time. One of the families let us in for hot chocolate so that was cool too. 

I think that's about it for the week. Last night I got the 24 hour stomach flu AGAIN, and it was horrible. Just thought you should know. Ok cya!

Love, Elder Holt

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