Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Week 64

Hey Everybody!

I don't have much time so this is going to be a quick email. Two weeks ago we had Zone conference and Thanksgiving and we helped someone move so there wasn't too much to say there. This week was pretty standard. We tracted a little bit, Visited with some less actives, and found more addresses on the ward list that have had vacant houses for a couple years. All of our investigators have illnesses so it's hit and miss whether we will have good appointments with them. We were able to give Mary a blessing though. She is so promising but she has been sick and can't meet with us. She really liked the blessing and we set a return appointment with her, but then her granddaughter snuck out the night before so when we called her she was out with the police.

We (our district) write an email every week to the ward council and just put in what we've been doing and how investigators are coming along, so I'm just going to copy and paste the paragraph we wrote about Victor.

"We saw Tony and Victor again this week. They are an interesting situation because Victor is probably the most interested and Tony is indifferent. We've been trying to figure out how to teach them without ignoring Tony, but also still focusing on Victor progress. As it turned out Tony was asleep when we stopped by so we were able to teach just Victor for an hour. He told us he's been praying to know if Joseph Smith was a prophet, but hasn't received an answer. He hasn't been reading the Book of Mormon though, so we had a really good lesson about the Book of Mormon and answered a lot of his questions, most of which had to do with why the gospel had to be restored. We committed him to read at least a page of the Book of Mormon every day so hopefully he can combine that with his prayers and receive an answer!"

Here's the picture of our second flat tire that I forgot to send two weeks ago, and then the first one too. 

k bye!
Love Elder Holt

Our 2nd flat tire

Our first flat tire

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