Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 61


I think I mentioned in my last email about a sweet lesson we had

tracting a couple weeks ago with this lady named Mary and her
grandkids. Then she dropped us the next week over the phone. Well 
we decided to just stop by to see how she was doing, and she said she 
was hesitant because her pastor had told her the Book of Mormon would 
confuse her. She believed him and told us she didn't want to meet anymore 
on the phone, but then she realized that she needs to stop taking peoples 
word on it and find the truth for herself wherever it comes from. She said 
we could come back and continue teaching her and her family, so we are 
going to have another lesson with her this week! That was pretty cool.

Other than that, It has been a little slow. We've been trying to meet

with less actives that really need visits. Work really slows down in
the winter which is super annoying. It's been getting dark at 5 pm so we
can't really tract or anything when its dark, plus its been
snowing and getting a lot colder. People around here do not like to
open the door in the winter because it lets heat out of their house,
and they don't have much sympathy for whoever's at the door. 

We've been trying to work with members more so hopefully we can get some

referrals. Oh and we got a sweet headquarters referral this week for a
guy and his girlfriend that went to the Washington D.C. temple visitors center
and they requested two Book of Mormons. We called him and we have an
appointment for Tuesday, so that should be sweet!

We had Stake conference this week, so that took up our Saturday night and 

first half of Sunday because of the driving to get to the stake center. We 
went as a district to the temple on Saturday too,  which was awesome. Maren, 
who just got back from her mission a month or two ago, drove us up which was 
super nice of her. I'll try to attach some pictures.

These are my sweet new sunglasses

Our District has trouble taking functional pictures

This is how I usually report numbers on Sunday nights

Jonathan and Me

Oh and I keep on forgetting to attach the picture of me and Jonathan,
who I taught in Buffalo and was baptized a couple weeks ago. He's the
bomb. K bye!

Love Elder Holt

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