Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 62


Elder Anderson and I got our second flat tire together this week. It was the same tire that went flat last time, so it was a brand new tire that got popped. It wasn't a shard of metal this time, it was just a nail, but we had to change it while it was snowing, so that was fun. Then we went to Firestone and sat there for two hours like we usually
do, and we had to reschedule our appointments for the day, fun stuff.

Anyway, I'm sure everyone's seen all the crazy snow in Buffalo on the news. In case you were wondering, the area where I'm in got like 4 inches. We missed all the fun stuff. Some Elders I talked to said they
were stuck in their apartment for 2 days. But we just had a normal week. It would have been cool to be in an area where all the snow is because shoveling snow for people is the greatest finding activity of all time.

This week we had a lot of good visits with less actives. We also might be teaching this less active ladies daughter and boyfriend pretty soon, and the daughter is moving a couple neighborhoods over this month so if we could help her move that would be perfect. We also had a sweet lesson with the Headquarter referral we got for the Book of Mormon. His name is Lennie and we taught him the Restoration and about the Book of Mormon. He wants us to come back and teach the same lesson to him and his girlfriend on black friday which is sweet. I
forgot where he said she is living but she's just coming into town for Thanksgiving weekend. That's about the extent of what we did this week!  This upcoming week is going to fly by because we have zone conference all 
day Tuesday. I'm going on exchanges with the zone leaders on Wednesday, and then Thanksgiving  is Thursday and other stuff this weekend. Should be fun! Cya!

Love Elder Holt

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