Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 8

Hello family, friends, and other people,

SOOOO Big news. My companion was just called to be a zone leader, and he was only 6 weeks into training me. I'm pretty sad about it since it was really unexpected and I really like him, and also he was training me so I'll have to figure out how to function without him. I'm getting a new companion and he'll have to finish training me, but he's never been in this area so I guess I kind of have to lead for a few days. That will be weird. 
Anyways, I just got back from playing 27 holes of golf with 3 other elders. They had a deal where it was 20 bucks for unlimited golf with a cart, so of course I was going to spend the rest of my money for the month to play. It was pretty fun, except it was the worst round of golf of my life.
So last week was fast. We did more service, like painting and mowing and raking, we saw JP for like 15 minutes in his shop and he once again just went and talked to his pastor about everything he told us and then got a world religions book so he could read about Mormons. Its like he's doing everything to learn about Mormons and find out what we believe except reading the Book of Mormon. We have another "Bible study" (thats what he calls it) scheduled with him on Wednesday so we plan on going over the restoration again and then re-encouraging him to read the Book of Mormon. We also went over the Ed's once. We did some service for him too and I think he said we can teach him a lesson this week so we'll do that too.
So after we saw Ed last week, Elder Allen wanted to go see a less active lady that lived near by. She is old and hasn't been seen in a while, so we went to the address and as we pulled into the drive way we saw four really angry looking pitbulls chained up to various parts of the house. We both screamed "nope!" and then drove away. We called her house though and her number had been taken by someone else so we don't know what happened to her. 
So I think that's about all the interesting news from this week. I wish I had more to tell you, but I can't really think of anything else. Anyways, I love everybody, and don't be shy to write me a letter, physical letters are fun. K BYE
Elder Holt

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