Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Week 9

Hey People!

This week was good. It was a little weird at first because I suddenly had to plan everything with my new companion, but its normal now. My companion is a really good missionary, I've learned a lot from him so far. I don't think I have too much to report though.
We went and saw JP again. It was exactly the same as every other visit has been with him lately. He did agree to read the Book of Mormon, if we read the New Testament though. Its funny because he's  trying to convince us that the Bible is true and we're like, yah we know. We'll read the New Testament if it gets him to read the Book of Mormon. Our other investigator, Ed has been stuck in some other city because his van broke down. We couldn't see him all week which was a bummer because I was really excited to meet with him. Hopefully he can make it home this week.
We also met with out investigator Chuck. I don't know if I told you guys about Chuck, but he owns an antique shop, and for months he's told the missionaries that he would read the Book of Mormon "when he has time". We were finally able to get an appointment with him to read, but he had already read 10 pages and just asked questions the whole time. It was great because he apparently has two history degrees or something and he kept on saying "its amazing how much this just makes sense and fits in with history". It's funny because thats the first thing he noticed when people usually wont pick it up at all because they think its historically inaccurate. He really likes reading it so far and he wants to read more and then have us come back to ask questions. I'm excited about him. Oh also, we met this lady tracting a few weeks ago. her name is Marie, and she said that she didn't want us to "preach" to her, but she said we can come back to see if she needs any service. Well we went back this week, and she weirdly invited us in and fed us these danishes she was making and gave us milk, and then invited us back for pies on Friday. We were a little weirded out because we thought we might have a Hansel and Gretel situation on our hands, but it turns out she is just ridiculously nice. she really likes having us over and she's also becoming more curious about us so thats great. Besides that we just did service and did normal missionary stuff. It snowed this week so that wasn't cool. 
Alright BYE
Elder Holt

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