Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week 7

So wasn't working for the first half hour of my writing time today, so I'm pretty much out of time. I'll try to write a good letter next week though! We had a lesson with JP about the plan of salvation and it went pretty good. He's still stuck on some stuff with his religion though. We'll see where he goes, we basically just said, "stop googling stuff and pray about it" so hopefully he does. We have a new investigator whos name is Ed. We were driving to someones house for dinner, and we had all 4 elders in the car, and we saw someone on the side of the road and it looked like he was having car troubles. We pulled over and he was just checking his oil for some reason, but he's a really sensitive guy and was grateful that we stopped. He said we could come visit with him, so Elder Allen and I went over there on Friday. He's a really lonely guy with health problems. he said he's open to new ideas though so he agreed to read the Book of Mormon and we thought he would come to church on Sunday, but he couldn't make it. Anyways I gotta go, but everyone should watch this video: 
Alright till next week!
Love Elder Holt

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