Monday, October 7, 2013

Week 6

Hey Everybody!

Once again, uneventful week. Conference was sweet, though! I loved it. It was the quickest GC of my life because I was so into it and it just flew by. I got so much out of it. Everything is going great.
We mostly did a lot of service this week and we went back to talk to JP. He didn't read but he said we can set up appointments with him right when he closes his barber shop so that's great!
I'm cutting it short this week because time is low and I want to attach these pictures.
Elder Bailey, me, and Elder Hart in front of the Provo Temple. (While still at the MTC) It was sunny so we were squinting.

Elder Hodson and I (one of my best friends in the MTC)

The is the view from the deck of one our our branch members homes. It's fall so everything is colorful. (Springville, NY)

Our sick risk game we played today.
 Alright, I love everybody,
Elder Holt

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